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How can Acupuncture benefit weight-loss?
Acupuncture looks at the root cause of any issue so a full and thorough consultation is taken including tongue and pulse diagnosis to discover where the imbalances lie within the body.
As we know weight gain can be due to many things:
*Thyroid issues
*Digestive problems
*Sugar cravings / Addictions
*Low energy
*Not sleeping
and many more.
*Acupuncture can have an effect over your mental and emotional well being which plays an important role in aiding weight loss. It can affect the natural balance of hormones and can result in a release of endorphins to help to reduce stress, which in turn helps to prevent the urge to overeat.
*The thyroid releases hormones to help regulate heart rate, maintain healthy skin, and play a crucial part in metabolism. When the gland is sluggish (hypothyroidism), it can rob you of energy, dry out your skin, make your joints ache, cause weight gain, and kick-start depression.
*Digestive disorders such as – acid reflux, constipation, Crohns/Colitis, IBS, food intolerances etc can all lead to weight issues.
*Sugar cravings can be due to the body not processing foods effectively. We also fall easily into bad habits and eat the same bad weight gaining foods over and over, when we need to really stop the habit. Ear seeds and ear acupuncture are used to help curb cravings and addiction, another known cause of weight gain.

*When our energy is low we look to eat food that will give us a boost ie sugar rich foods and this will lead to weight gain. Instead we need to address why is our energy low and how can we change this.
*If you do not sleep well then the body is not performing at its best potential and weight gain can then become an issue. Getting a goodnights rest is essential to losing weight as the body needs to be able to work effectively for you.
*When going through menopause it is easy to put on weight.
This problem is primarily driven by oestrogen loss that occurs during menopause. Oestrogen loss causes a number of health issues, one of which is deterioration of muscle mass. Because muscle burns more calories than fat, less muscle also means fewer calories burned, all of which adds up to a recipe for a slower metabolism.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine that excessive weight gain can be a result of an imbalance in the body. An Acupuncturist will focus on the individuals pattern to treat specific concerns to achieve balance therefore aiding in weight loss.
For example :
The kidneys are addressed to treat water retention and to stimulate nerve and hormonal rebalance.
The stomach and spleen are treated for any digestive concerns.
The spleen and thyroid gland are also targeted to effect sugar and hormonal rebalancing.
The adrenal and ovary glands are included to treat weight gain due to menopause or Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Acupuncture body benefits
How Acupuncture works
Some people notice the effects of acupuncture fairly quickly and only require treatments every now and then whilst others benefit from a course of treatment. This will be discussed during your treatment and assessments on how effective the treatment has been is continually done throughout.
Patients I have already treated with Acupuncture have given me very positive feedback telling me how relaxed they feel afterwards, how much improved their sleep quality is, hoe their energy levels are far greater during the day and emotionally they feel more grounded and content.
 If you would like to restore balance in your body whether its to benefit weight gain or any other issue why not book in with Sarah Stamp for a full consultation and give Acupuncture a go. I mean what have you got to lose except for that weight! 🙂
 Here is an article with more info

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